Thursday, May 20, 2010

Look who's walking...

At first cautious.
Arms reaching for me, not trusting herself to do it without me by her side. 
As the days crept by she grew brave. 
Arms stretched to the sky, her laugh cascading across the living room floor. 
And just like that she could walk. 



M @ Betty Crapper said...

Yay! What joy. Her face says it all.

Alysha said...

oooh how exciting! What a precious moment! SHe is the exact same age as Dawson so hopefully he will walk soon too!! :)

Mom vs. the boys said...

Yay!!! my guy is cruising the furniture and walking toys, soon enough we'll have our last walker too!

Anonymous said...

beautiful post.

Melissa (@adventuroo) said...

What an awesome picture! And yay for walking!! She's obviously happy about it. :-)

jayayceeblog said...

Oh, she is so precious. Thanks for the smile (mine) and for sharing the triumph and smile (hers)!

Nikki said...

Awe so sweet!! It wasn't that long ago that my baby girl, Jocelyn, was just learning how to walk. It's so amazing.

And now she's discovered climbing and we are SCREWED, LOL.

Natalie said...

Aw! That made me tear up! What a sweet post!! I can say...I'm TERRIFIED for when the twins start walking! TERRIFIED!

♥ Sarah @ FFP ♥ said...

She is gorgeous and looks so happy. Unfortunately, my almost 13 month old is still not walking and though everyone tells me not to worry, I still keep worrying anyway.

Great shot, as always. ;)

liz said...

YAY! She's so excited, too! Wait until she tries to run. :)

Taryn said...

I just got tears in my eyes! My little niece is walking!!! Seems like yesterday she made her grand entrance into the world! Big Hugs Sis! Let the fun begin now!! XOXO

Carol said...

They grow so fast!

cherimarie said...

Seriously nothing better then seeing your child wobble their way straight into your arms!

Anonymous said...

Stopping from Mom Loop! I love the joy you wrote about this with.

livinginbetween said...

Yay! Look at that sweet baby! Those first milestones are so precious, and it is such a gift to be present to capture them.

Anonymous said...

Saying hi from SITS! I have a 15-year old and a 12-year old so I'm way past the infant years but I still remember vividly when my son, the oldest, learned to walk. It was so exciting but it changed our whole routine. I used to come home from work and cook him dinner every night while he played on the floor happily. Then he learned to walk and I spent every minute when I got home chasing him from the family room to the front door and back. It still makes me laugh today just thinking about it. Enjoy every minute. It goes fast.

Lindsay said...

Beautiful poem and photo! My little guys just gained his confidence to take his first solo steps, also. It is such an exciting time! :)

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