'Yes. It is true. I was created in you, It is also true that you were created for me. I own your voice. It was shaped and tuned to sooth me. Your arms were molded into a cradle to hold me, to rock me. The scent of your body was the air perfumed for me to breathe." -Maya Angelou
Watching her grow has been the greatest gift in my life. I love Bella not just for the joy that she is, but for the person she makes me. If I am remembered for one thing, let that be as a Mother.
Happy Mother's Day!
U have written all so well! Being a mother is the best thing in the world, Thanx to our kids who make us feel so important. Happy Mothers day!
Happy Mommy's Day! Bella is so adorable. I am now following you!!!
That.was.so.so.so.sweet! No seriously, I started tearing up just reading it!! Tuck this away as one of my favorite posts!
Happy 1st Mother's Day!
Sweet video and Happy Mother's Day!
VERY good post!
I have a Sunshine Award for you! Please pick it up at my website http://nomieecoware.blogspot.com.
Happy 1st Mother's Day!
such a beautiful post!
So lovely hun! Happy Mother's Day, hope it was as wonderful as you are!!
Hope you had an amazing Mother's Day gorgeous lady!
That Maya Angelou quote is awesome!!
I didn't feel that love right away for either of my babies though... it came later when I got to know them... odd! Maybe in 7 weeks when I have #3 it will be different!
Just blog hopping around :)
well said and happy mother's day!
Hi there. I wanted to check out your blog after I read a comment you left on another blog that I follow. I love your blog! I am a Navy wife and SAHM to a 21 month old daughter, so I can relate to the rollercoaster life that that entails. I will continue to check your blog for new updates and posts :) Thanks for sharing :)
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