Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

My journey to Motherhood began on September 25, 2009, the day I found out I was pregnant. I was scared at first, overwhelmed. I didn't have complete faith in myself in my capabilities to Mother. Those feelings were quickly fleeting as I dove into pregnancy books, researching all the do's and don't and preparing for my precious gift. I can remember like it was yesterday, rubbing my big ripe belly talking to my unborn daughter as I watched her move within me. I was shocked at the love I had for a person I had never met, dreaming of her face, her laugh and touch. The last week of my pregnancy I cried everyday, longing to hold her in my arms, to look into her eyes, to smell her soft skin. June 15th, 2009 that day came. The first time I laid eyes on her I felt God, in that instant I no longer lived for myself... I took each breath for her. We were made for each other, he gave me these arms to hold her, feed her, teach her. 

'Yes. It is true. I was created in you, It is also true that you were created for me. I own your voice. It was shaped and tuned to sooth me. Your arms were molded into a cradle to hold me, to rock me. The scent of your body was the air perfumed for me to breathe." -Maya Angelou

Watching her grow has been the greatest gift in my life. I love Bella not just for the joy that she is, but for the person she makes me. If I am remembered for one thing, let that be as a Mother.

Happy Mother's Day!   


beingzaraandzidan said...

U have written all so well! Being a mother is the best thing in the world, Thanx to our kids who make us feel so important. Happy Mothers day!

Juliana said...

Happy Mommy's Day! Bella is so adorable. I am now following you!!!

Natalie said...! No seriously, I started tearing up just reading it!! Tuck this away as one of my favorite posts!

liz said...

Happy 1st Mother's Day!

alicia said...

Sweet video and Happy Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

VERY good post!

I have a Sunshine Award for you! Please pick it up at my website

Happy 1st Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

such a beautiful post!

The Mayor! said...

So lovely hun! Happy Mother's Day, hope it was as wonderful as you are!!

Heather said...

Hope you had an amazing Mother's Day gorgeous lady!

Eli's Lids said...

That Maya Angelou quote is awesome!!
I didn't feel that love right away for either of my babies though... it came later when I got to know them... odd! Maybe in 7 weeks when I have #3 it will be different!
Just blog hopping around :)

erin said...

well said and happy mother's day!

Laina said...

Hi there. I wanted to check out your blog after I read a comment you left on another blog that I follow. I love your blog! I am a Navy wife and SAHM to a 21 month old daughter, so I can relate to the rollercoaster life that that entails. I will continue to check your blog for new updates and posts :) Thanks for sharing :)

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